Golf course managers have known for years the benefits of topdressing
turf. Adding a fine layer of composted soil over an existing lawn makes for a
list of benefits. This process is done by golf courses but was not possible or
practical for the typical home- owner in the past. That is until MulchWorx came
along, with their cutting edge technical blower trucks with the capability of blowing composted soil over an existing lawn. Topdressing adds organic soil amendments, which improve the physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of the soil. This enhances turf quality and vigor,
and improves its resistance to stress. MulchWorx highly recommends core aeration
before topdressing to further enhance the benefits of this soil amendment process. The
great thing about this process is that MulchWorx can add seed, fertilizer, and a natural polymer to make the most of this
unique process. You can drop seed on your lawn and even over seed with a slit
seeder, but if you want great results you are far better off amending the soil with topdressing than messing with hard clay
and hoping for the best.
Compost soil topdressed at 3/4 of an inch |
Grass will grow right through enhancing soil and root structure |
Other benefits of topdressing
- Increases organic matter content of soil
- Improves soil percolation rate
- Increases water holding capacity of soil
- Reduces soil compaction
- Improves turf rooting and durability
- Reduces thatch
- Supplies plant nutrients
What does this mean for your lawn?
· You
are one step closer to amending your clay soil
· Slowly
amends soil to change soil structure and promote healthier turf
· Can
be repeated over and over to completely change your soil structure
- Gives roots what they like, a new nutrient rich soil compost
to take hold in